The founder and owner of the Caritas Home for the elderly and infirm “Sv. Ivan Krstitelj” Ivanec is the Diocese of Varaždin branch of Caritas, which has, in its sensitivity in caring for the elderly and infirm, among other things, built and started today’s Home in 2001.
The Home is run by a director who implements the agreed-upon policy of the Governing Council, which consists of three representatives of the Diocese of Varaždin branch of Caritas, one representative of the users and one employee representative.
The Home was established as a social welfare institution that provides long-term accommodation, with the purpose of caring for the elderly, and all the positive and negative characteristics brought by that age.
To achieve this, we offer our users professional medical care, quality social welfare and organized leisure time, proper nutrition compliant with nutritional and health requirements, and the complete necessary logistics that this kind of facility requires.
In working with our users, we use all the latest expert insights, acquired experience, physical and human resources within the existing standards of our institution.
The Home has a capacity of 105 beds in single and double rooms, as well as several multiple bed bedrooms in a three-story building with a built-in elevator.
The institution is organized by organizational units, namely:
- Social service and occupational therapy which employs a social worker and an occupational therapist.
- General and health care unit which employs nurses, a physiotherapist and practice nurses.
- Food preparation and distribution unit which employs cooks, assistant cooks and serving staff.
- Economic and technical service which employs the head of accounting, economists, a warehouse worker, a handyman, receptionists, laundresses, etc.
In addition to user care, we place an extremely high value on the satisfaction of all thirty-five employees, and the creation of a pleasant work atmosphere in which we operate as a team, and their continuous development with the purpose of achieving a professional and competent attitude towards our users.
In order to ensure greater security and to improve our work with our users, all with the aim of creating satisfied users, their families and employees focused on the job, we have introduced the ISO 9001 standard and the HACCP system in 2010.
As a public institution, the Home seeks to be an active member of the local community by working with governmental and non-governmental, educational, cultural, sports, health and above all, religious organizations, and the media that follow the activities of the Home and inform the public, so that the Home can become accepted and integrated into the community.
VISION – caring for the elderly and infirm in a dignified, humane, evangelical way – to provide a joyous old age.
MISSION – to provide professional general and health care for the elderly and infirm, to ensure proper nutrition compliant with nutritional and health requirements, and allow them a wide range of labor-occupational activities in order to spend time as best as possible.